DOnate to support our cause


Tiger Striped Misfits was built on the premise of supporting the community. To this point, we have done so by donating proceeds of different designs that are inspired by military organizations to the rightful Non-Profit Organization of that community. Help us develop more designs, better merchandise and bring in new people to help us have the greatest impact.


Whether you’re in the military, separated, related to a servicemember, or are a civilian who’s down with the cause, we want to build a community and host events to bring everyone together. Whether that’s through Skydiving, outdoor expeditions, racing, etc.; we want to build up our ability to host immersion events that benefit everyone involved.


We have built good relationships with other veteran-owned businesses to come together to support the families and loved ones affected by the tragedy of loss. In the past, these campaigns have been our most effective and allow the families to start their own Non-Profits, funds, or getting family together to attend a celebration of life. This is a cause that has long-lasting impact and is at the top of our priorities headed into the future.
